Gantry cranes
We offer technically advanced material handling solutions
Load capacities: 125-250,000 kg, manual 125-10,000 kg
Spans: up to 30,000 mm
Crane construction
- determines its shape, as a rule, cranes are delivered single-girder or double-girder with rolled or welded main girders

- lifters are the most important part of a crane, therefore our company equips cranes with electric hoists from STAHL CraneSystems GmbH or manual BRANO, which are supplied with rope or chain, while they are characterized by a very favorable ratio of weight and performance
- at the customer’s request, the crane can also be equipped with a hoist from another manufacturer, the hoists are equipped with a single or double hook
- the crane can be equipped with a device for grasping the load (grab, magnet, etc.)
- mobile ones from STAHL CraneSystems GmbH are equipped with two speeds as standard, while they are characterized by a very favorable weight-to-performance ratio
Electrical equipment
- it is completely supplied from the world’s leading manufacturers, electronic systems are installed in cabinets with IP 54
- electrical drives of cranes can be controlled by frequency converters or triggers, power supply of cranes can be via overhead line, covered overhead contact line, or open overhead contact line
- the cranes are controlled from the floor by an overhead controller (movable across the bridge), from the cabin, from a basket or by a remote radio controller
Special equipment or design
- it is possible to agree according to the customer’s submitted requirements
Údržba a opravy
- žeriav osadený mechanizmami STAHL CraneSystems GmbH je takmer bezúdržbový a vyznačuje sa bezporuchovou dlhodobou prevádzkou s nízkymi prevádzkovými nákladmi
- mechanizmy s ručným pohonom sú určené pre menej vyťažené prevádzky
- so žeriavom sa dodáva návod na údržbu a obsluhu spolu s predpísanou dokumentáciou
Crane tracks
Our offer also includes designing and manufacturing crane tracks. We can also reconstruct an existing crane runway.